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"There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do." - Freya Stark (The Journey's Echo)

Virtual Coaching Workshop to help you identify your values, and redefine your WHY, with life coach Susan Sjolund of Fully Present Coaching.

Discover the shortcut to living with intention by identifying your personal values during this intimate 1:1 virtual coaching workshop.


You will live a life that is more meaningful and in alignment with what you desire and believe is right.

Identify the driving factors that set your heart alight, figure out who that strong (and smart!) voice inside of you is, and turn down the volume on anything holding you back from greatness with The Values of YOU! workshop.

A couple of months ago I was burnt out. Frustrated. Self-confidence at an all-time low. Sure, on the surface it seemed that things were great - promoted at work, great income, nice life... But I was dreading the start of every day and it took me resigning from my job, hitting the proverbial wall and doing NOTHING (or as much of nothing as a mom of twin boys can do!) for three months to figure out what was wrong.

I HAD NOT BEEN HONORING MY PERSONAL VALUES. And it had almost cost me everything. Happiness, health, balance, time with my family...

You see, when we live in the full light of what truly matters to us at the deepest core level, every day is filled with joy. But if you are not sure what your personal values are, how can you be sure you're living them?

Join me as I share the simple steps that helped me identify and get back to my personal values. This stuff is so important that I am offering a THREE-HOUR workshop over the course of three sessions at a fraction of my normal hourly coaching rate for anyone feeling like they may need some expert help in the 'figuring out my personal values' department!

So what are the signs that you are not honoring your personal values?

  1. You feel the need to 'look busy' or you truly are so busy that you lack balance and spend way too many hours doing things that do not bring you joy.

  2. You may feel you're not developing, growing or improving yourself.

  3. Addictions that take your mind off things - food and drink, yes, but also media, that stupid game on your phone...

  4. Constantly feeling like you're not enough.

Over the course of three sessions - for one hour at a time - we will address the following:

Session 1:  Personal Values: We'll mine for yours and identify your tops.
Session 2:  Reconnect with the captain of your cheerleading squad who lives inside of you - the one who's been sulking in a corner because she hasn't gotten much love lately.
Session 3:  Shine a light on that voice that is holding you back from greatness.

Now this is not a quick-fix-cure-all experience, but it will set you up to ensure you are able to make decisions about where you want to direct your energy every day. It will enable you to stand in your power and say YES to what matter and NO to what doesn't.


You deserve to know your values. And I'm so excited to help you discover them!

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